Shaped machines are the result of cooperation between MasterSport, the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw and the Department of Biomechanics of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw. These are innovative devices for training muscle strength designed especially for women. They were created with women’s needs of strength exercises in mind. All elements of the machines: seats, backrests, grips and load adjustment are characterized by the specificity of women’s needs and exercise comfort.

S 01 | Biceps curl
0.00 zł -
S 04 Total abdominal
0.00 zł -
S 05 | Rotary torso
0.00 zł -
S 06 | Back extension
0.00 zł -
S 07 | Total Hip
0.00 zł -
S 08 | Abductor
0.00 zł -
S 09 | Adductor
0.00 zł -
S 10 | Leg extenmsion
0.00 zł -
S 11 | Leg curl
0.00 zł -
S 12 | Calf muscles
0.00 zł -
S 13 | Buttocks muscles
0.00 zł